Opening the ‘black box’: what does observational research reveal about processes and practices of governing? – Cate Watson, Gary Husband & Aileen Ireland. For further information please contact Cate Watson
Further education in the UK: lessons from the governance of colleges in Scotland – Cate Watson, Gary Andrew Husband & Helen Louise Young. For further information please contact Cate Watson
Boards in action: processes and practices of ‘strategising’ in the Boardroom – Cate Watson & Aileen Ireland. For further information please contact Cate Watson
Reviewing the strategic influence of governance professionals in UK colleges: acting as the translator of the conduct of conduct – Ron Hill, Steve Garner & Aileen Ireland. For further information please contact Ron Hill
How is the role of student governor understood in further education colleges in the UK? – Aileen Ireland, Jodie Pennacchia, Cate Watson & Ann-Marie Bathmaker. For further information please contact Aileen Ireland
Negotiating tensions between the high-performing and socially just college: A consideration of the discursive construction of youth in English college governing boards – Jodie Pennacchia & Ann-Marie Bathmaker. For further information please contact Jodie Pennacchia