
To keep up to date with our most recent blogs, please click the following links:

Governance and the centrality of failure: a comedy of errors – Professor Cate Watson

Why governing boards? Why further education? Why now? – Professor Cate Watson

Now is the perfect time for thinking about strategy and strategic positioning… – Professor Ron Hill

Strategy is not a thing but a process – Professor Cate Watson

FE and Skills policy in the UK: thinking across borders – Professor David James

Governing FE in a busy policy environment: what are the key issues in the FE landscape in England as we enter 2019? – Dr Jodie Pennacchia

Dr Jodie Pennacchia and Professor Ann-Marie Bathmaker have been working together with Mary Kent, Independent Skills and Further Education Consultant, to prepare a blog post for the Independent Commission on the College of the Future website. You can read the blogpost here: Defining purpose, values and priorities: where do college governors come in?